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13.5. 网页浏览器

Epiphany 是GNOME 套装中的网页浏览器,使用 WebKit 显示引擎,该引擎是 Apple 为Safari 浏览器开发的。相关的软件包是 epiphany-browser
Konqueror, available in the konqueror package, is KDE's web browser (but can also assume the role of a file manager). It uses the KDE-specific KHTML rendering engine; KHTML is an excellent engine, as witnessed by the fact that Apple's WebKit is based on KHTML.
Users not satisfied by either of the above can use Firefox. This browser, available in the firefox-esr package, uses the Mozilla project's Gecko renderer, with a thin and extensible interface on top.
The Firefox web browser

图 13.7. The Firefox web browser

Last but not least, Debian also contains the Chromium web browser (available in the chromium package). This browser is developed by Google at such a fast pace that maintaining a single version of it across the whole lifespan of Debian Stretch is unlikely to be possible. Its clear purpose is to make web services more attractive, both by optimizing the browser for performance and by increasing the user's security. The free code that powers Chromium is also used by its proprietary version called Google Chrome.