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4. 本書架構

This book is built around a case study providing both support and illustration for all topics being addressed.
第一章介紹 Debian 計畫的非技術性面並描述其目標與組織。先定義大範圍的框架其他章節才能夠填入更具體的資訊。
第二和第三章提供個案式的大綱。建議新手,先閱讀附錄 B,簡短的補習式課程解釋若干基礎的電腦概念,以及與 Unix 系統有關的概念。
真正的主題,自然是從安裝開始 (第 4 章);第 5 和第 6 章揭示 Debian 管理者常用的基本工具,諸如 APT 系列工具,讓此散佈版受眾人讚譽有加。這幾章的目標讀者不限專業人員,因為每個人都是家裡的管理者。
第15章係給深造的管理員以及意圖建置自已的 Debian 套件者而準備的。
The present version is already the eighth edition of the book (we include the first four that were only available in French). This edition covers version 9 of Debian, code-named Stretch. Among the changes, Debian now sports a new architecture — mips64el for little-endian 64-bit MIPS processors. On the opposite side, the powerpc architecture has been dropped due to lack of volunteers to keep up with development (which itself can be explained by the fact that associated hardware is getting old and less interesting to work on). All included packages have obviously been updated, including the GNOME desktop, which is now in its version 3.22. Most executables have been rebuilt with PIE build flags thus enabling supplementary hardening measures (Address Space Layout Randomization, ASLR).