Debian, remaining true to its initial principles, has had so much success that, today, it has reached a tremendous size. The 12 architectures offered cover 10 hardware architectures and 2 kernels (Linux and FreeBSD, although the FreeBSD-based ports are not part of the set of officially supported architectures). Furthermore, with more than 25,000 source packages, the available software can meet almost any need that one could have, whether at home or in the enterprise.
The sheer size of the distribution can be inconvenient: it is really unreasonable to distribute 14 DVD-ROMs to install a complete version on a standard PC… This is why Debian is increasingly considered as a “meta-distribution”, from which one extracts more specific distributions intended for a particular public: Debian-Desktop for traditional office use, Debian-Edu for education and pedagogical use in an academic environment, Debian-Med for medical applications, Debian-Junior for young children, etc. A more complete list of the subprojects can be found in the section dedicated to that purpose, see
第 节 “Debian 现有的子计划”.
这些 Debian 的组成部分由定义清晰的框架组织而成,保证“子发行版”之间互相兼容、互不干扰。它们都采用一致的方案释放出新版本。同时它们都基于相同的基础构建而成,可以轻松地使用 Debian 仓库中的软件进行扩展、完善和个性化配置。
所有 Debian 的工具都遵循这个指导方向:debian-cd
Debian 遵循所有的自由软件的原则,在充分准备好之前新版本不会释出。开发者不会因为一些时间表而被强制的跟随一个随意的截止日期。人们经常抱怨 Debian 的稳定释出之间的时间间隔过长,但是这样的谨慎同样也保证了 Debian 一贯的可靠性:在赋予全发行版“稳定”标签之前长时间的测试确实是必要的。
Debian 不会在质量问题上妥协:众所周知严重的 bug 都会在新版本中得到解决,即使需要推迟已经公布的释出日期。
从法律上来说,Debian 是一个由美国的非营利志愿者协会管理的项目。这个项目大约有一千左右的 Debian 开发者,但是聚集了远超这个数的贡献者(翻译者,bug 报告者,艺术家,临时开发者等)。
为了它的使命能成为现实,Debian 拥有一个巨大的基础架构,拥有许多由赞助者提供的服务器连接在因特网上。