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1.4. 跟著 Debian 最新消息

如前所述,Debian 專案以極為分散、有機的方式進行。結果是,必須痛苦地讀取無止盡的訊息才能保持與計畫連繫。
訂閱 郵寄名單是獲知 Debian 重要訊息的方法。此郵寄名單的流量極低 (每年祗有十來個訊息),祗提供最重要的通知,諸如新版釋出消息、選舉新的計畫領導人、或 Debian 年度會議。
More general (and regular) news about Debian are sent to the list. The traffic on this list is quite reasonable too (usually around a handful of messages a month), and it includes the semi-regular “Debian Project News”, which is a compilation of various small bits of information about what happens in the project.
Debian 的演化與各團隊的運作,參見 郵寄名單。如其名稱所示,其內容較適合發展者的口味,也適合關心穩定版以外版本發展的人。 提供使用者可見的結果, 則告知該等結果的產生方式。如專欄所示,'d-d-a' (如其名所示) 是 Debian 發展者必須訂閱的郵寄名單。
Debian's official blog ( is also a good source of information. It conveys most of the interesting news that are published on the various mailing lists that we already covered and other important news contributed by community members. Since all Debian developers can contribute these news when they think they have something noteworthy to make public, Debian's blog gives a valuable insight while staying rather focused on the project as a whole.
A more informal source of information can also be found on Planet Debian, which aggregates articles posted by Debian contributors on their respective blogs. While the contents do not deal exclusively with Debian development, they provide a view into what is happening in the community and what its members are up to.
計畫本身也是一種社群網路。Debian 本身祗有以自由軟體建構的官方平台 (如 微部落格平台,由 架構,Debian 的奉獻者多半另有自己的推特帳號、臉書頁面、Google+ 頁面等。