يصف هذا الفصل بنية ومحتويات الحزم ”الثنائية“ و ”المصدرية“. الأولى هي ملفات .deb
، يمكن الاستفادة منها مباشرة باستخدام dpkg
، في حين تحوي الأخيرة شفرة البرنامج المصدرية، بالإضافة إلى تعليمات بناء حزم ثنائية.
5.1. بنية الحزمة الثنائية
The Debian package format is designed so that its content may be extracted on any Unix system that has the classic commands ar
, tar
, and xz
(sometimes gzip
or bzip2
). This seemingly trivial property is important for portability and disaster recovery.
Imagine, for example, that you mistakenly deleted the
program, and that you could thus no longer install Debian packages.
being a Debian package itself, it would seem your system would be done for... Fortunately, you know the format of a package and can therefore download the
file of the
dpkg package and install it manually (see sidebar
أدوات dpkg
و ar
). If by some misfortune one or more of the programs
have disappeared, you will only need to copy the missing program from another system (since each of these operates in a completely autonomous manner, without dependencies, a simple copy will suffice). If your system suffered some even more outrageous fortune, and even these don't work (maybe the deepest system libraries are missing?), you should try the static version of
(provided in the
busybox-static package), which is even more self-contained, and provides subcommands such as
busybox ar
busybox tar
busybox xz
لنلقِ نظرة على محتويات ملف .deb
ar t dpkg_1.18.24_amd64.deb
ar x dpkg_1.18.24_amd64.deb
control.tar.gz data.tar.xz debian-binary dpkg_1.18.24_amd64.deb
tar tJf data.tar.xz | head -n 15
tar tzf control.tar.gz
cat debian-binary
كما ترى، يتألف أرشيف ar
الذي يضم حزمة دبيان من ثلاثة ملفات:
. This is a text file which simply indicates the version of the .deb
file used (in 2017: version 2.0).
. ملف الأرشيف هذا يحوي جميع المعلومات الفوقية المتاحة، مثل اسم الحزمة وإصدارها. تسمح بعض هذه المعلومات الفوقية لأدوات إدارة الحزم بأن تقرر إذا كان يمكن تثبيت الحزمة أو إزالتها، حسب قائمة الحزم المتوفرة مسبقاً على الجهاز مثلاً.
. This archive contains all of the files to be extracted from the package; this is where the executable files, documentation, etc., are all stored. Some packages may use other compression formats, in which case the file will be named differently (data.tar.bz2
for bzip2, data.tar.gz
for gzip).